Annual Conference

Annual Conference

Its Beginning! 31 Oct 2020
    Phoenix, AZ
    04:00 PM - 07:00 PM
    This event is passed

    Molding the Future by Honoring our Past

    “A good government implies two things; first fidelity to the object of government, which is the happiness of the people; second, a knowledge of the means by which that objects can be best attained”
    We should all take the opportunity to pause and reflect on the roots of our freedom and the sacrifices made by those before us. As America has developed, the Constitution has become increasingly seen as a mechanism in litigation and nothing more than a lawyer’s brief, or a judge’s opinion. The Constitution is far more than just fundamental law, but the institutional expression of the philosophical foundations of our political order and basis of our very way of life.
    Keita Karunka

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    Annual Conference

    Annual Conference

    Phoenix, AZ
    31 Oct 2020 04:00 PM - 07:00 PM